
Athletic Director Minerva

Lizbeth Ordway


Aaron Chambers
518-251-2921 Ext. 7


Winter Coaches




  • Aaron Chambers


  • Lizbeth Ordway


  • Thomas Zauner
  • Jake Sauer-Jones


  • Katlynn Bennett
  • Allison Gonyo




  • Matthew Brown,
  • Joe San Antonio
  • Peter Morehouse
  • Lana Torrens

Elementary Basketball

Coach: Ashley Christian



MCS offers the following sports throughout the school year at the varsity, modified, and some elementary levels.

Soccer / Cross Country /  Basketball / Nordic Baseball & Softball / Tennis 

A few reminders about our upcoming Winter sports season

If you have not already done so, please make sure there is an updated copy of your sports physical on file in the School Nurse's office. 

Every athlete and parent must read sign and return the permission slip and medical release form.  These documents can be downloaded from the Forms and Documents section to the right.  

Please read/review the Parent / Student Extra-Curricular Handbook

Weekly Practice Schedules will be posted at Minerva and Johnsburg Schools and handed out weekly to team members.  

This is a reminder that we may have holidays in winter during the sports season. Practices can be scheduled during breaks so please plan accordingly.

We are all looking forward to seeing some great games and meets. 


Early Practice: A supervised study hall is provided by MCS staff, or in a teacher-supervised homework hall. The school day ends at 2:36. Students are expected to go home at dismissal and return to practice (3:00) or report to the supervised study hall. 

Late Practice: (generally 4:45 in Minerva and 4:40 in Johnsburg) All students MUST go home and return at the designated time.

Games: The same guidelines apply to students awaiting the start of home games or transportation to away games. 

Behavior: If behavior problems are reported, parents will be called to pick up their child and students forfeit the opportunity to participate in athletics that day. Persistent after-school behavior problems will result in suspension from the team

Athletic practices are held in Minerva and Johnsburg on a rotating schedule. This schedule is developed weekly by the athletic director, posted in both school locations, and handed out to athletes weekly.  


Basketball and Nordic are well underway. Thank you for your patience with the season, as this is the longest and most apt to change sports season. The athletics page on our website is routinely updated. Please be aware that some changes happen and online schedules cannot always be updated. We remind our fans that we appreciate their support and sportsmanship.  Elementary basketball will begin soon. We are already working to secure our spring sports coaches. 

January 14th-16th is Winter Coaches Appreciation Day. Thank you to all our coaches. Your hard work, commitment, and knowledge are so valued and appreciated. 


Winter 2024-25 preview: Johnsburg/Minerva girls basketball

Previewing teams from around Section VII for the upcoming winter 2024-25 sports season.

Forms & Documents

Athletic Store Flyer
Our new athletic store is up and running. When you register you will receive a 20% offer code. This is exciting because it is 24/7 access, so many options, and ships directly to your house! The store is completely FREE to the school to host.  This will allow people to order whenever they would like and this benefits our athletics programs with needed materials for our sports programs. Every purchase is a 10 percent credit back to the district for us to use towards our athletics program.